30 programs in Selinsgrove
- Sarjana
- Amerika Serikat
- Selinsgrove
30 programs in Selinsgrove
Susquehanna University
BA in Studio Art – Photography
- Selinsgrove, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
4 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
The photography major is focused on the development of students as artists and practicing professionals. In addition to mastering the camera and associated technology, students will develop a distinctive personal style through their experiences inside and outside the classroom. Prior to graduation, students will professionally mount a public exhibition of the work in The Lore Degenstein Gallery, where they will gain experience in a professional gallery with museum standards.
Susquehanna University
BA in Studio Art – Painting and Drawing
- Selinsgrove, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
4 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
Majors work towards the development of a cohesive body of work that demonstrates a distinctive personal style. The program emphasizes the mastery of a broad range of fundamental skills, with a focused experience in one technique or medium. Majors are well versed in historical and contemporary art and are given numerous opportunities to exhibit their work, travel, and receive feedback from faculty and peers.
Susquehanna University
BA in Sports Media
- Selinsgrove, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
4 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
Sports is a multi-billion dollar industry. Get the training and insight to work everywhere, from professional beats to the front offices of teams followed by millions. Learn the practical elements of being a broadcaster or journalist in an ever-growing market and the history of sports to understand the context of what you’ll be covering.
Susquehanna University
BA in Spanish Studies
- Selinsgrove, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
4 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
Master the Spanish language and immerse yourself in the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. We’re one of the only universities that require semester-long study abroad for language majors. When you return to Susquehanna, you’ll bring back firsthand knowledge of the cultures you’ve experienced and a grasp of the Spanish language only achieved through immersion!
Susquehanna University
BA in Sociology
- Selinsgrove, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
4 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
Explore society at every level — small groups, subcultures, cultures, organizations, and institutions — and study how people interact. When you study sociology here, you’ll learn to think critically about how race, class, gender, sexuality, law, culture, social media, social movements, and the state impact individual lived experience.
Susquehanna University
BA in Religious Studies
- Selinsgrove, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
4 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
Religion touches nearly every aspect of our world and society — literature, politics, current events, history, personal interactions, and more. You’ll gain the religious literacy essential to comprehend and work in our increasingly globalized society. You’ll look at how people think about ultimate questions, whether or not you identify as religious.
Susquehanna University
BA in Political Science
- Selinsgrove, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
4 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
In our program, you’ll study politics, government, and public policy in the U.S. and abroad and why nations do — or do not — get along. You’ll acquire the tools to question, analyze systems and institutions, and develop your own views about the best policies, programs, and organizational rules for the world you envision. Debates, simulations, trips to important political sites, and engaged classroom conversation will encourage you to think more deeply about the political issues of the day.
Susquehanna University
BA dalam bidang Filsafat
- Selinsgrove, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
4 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
Renungkan masalah moral dan etika kompleks yang dihadapi umat manusia — keberadaan, makna, nilai, kebenaran, dan banyak lagi. Buka mata Anda terhadap ide-ide yang bahkan tidak Anda sadari keberadaannya. Kami menangani isu-isu kompleks yang jarang dibahas. Anda akan belajar menganalisis, menulis, membujuk, dan memeriksa kedua sisi argumen — memungkinkan Anda menjalani hidup secara kritis sambil meningkatkan diri sendiri dan dunia di sekitar Anda. Anda juga akan mahir dalam penalaran kooperatif, memberi Anda kemampuan untuk berbicara secara rasional dengan orang-orang yang tidak sependapat dengan Anda.
Susquehanna University
BA in Music
- Selinsgrove, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
4 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
If music is your passion, there’s no place like Susquehanna. Enjoy small-school advantages and big-school opportunities at one of the best liberal arts music programs in the country. Gain skills that cross all disciplines. You’ll know how to work in large and small groups from being part of performance ensembles. You’ll hone leadership skills through conducting and teaching. You’ll know how to look at a subject extensively through various lenses — theoretical, historical, emotional, and cultural.
Susquehanna University
BA in Mathematics
- Selinsgrove, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
4 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
Mathematics is the study of patterns: from the distribution of prime numbers to the distribution of galaxies, from shapes of soap films to the structure of musical compositions, and far beyond. Because of its combination of generality and precision, mathematics is integral to most areas of modern life, from the sciences to business, politics, and even the arts. At SU, we offer courses that provide a solid foundation for careers in applied mathematics or statistics or for graduate study in mathematics.
Susquehanna University
BA in Legal Studies
- Selinsgrove, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
4 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
Be ready to succeed in law school or another law-related career in our new legal studies major. You’ll get a broad-based introduction to the nature and function of the law and our legal system — giving you the freedom to discover if you’d like to continue to law school or pursue a career in a related field like court administration, criminal investigations, public administration or nonprofit work.
Susquehanna University
BA in Journalism and Digital Content
- Selinsgrove, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
4 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
Susquehanna will power your natural curiosity and storytelling abilities. You will gain foundational skills like writing, editing, interviewing, and even multimedia production — plus the critical-thinking and problem-solving skills from your well-rounded liberal arts education — to empower your storytelling. From podcasting to traditional newspaper reporting, you will develop research skills and learn to adapt content for varying news media to succeed in the ever-evolving world of journalism.
Susquehanna University
BA in Theatre Production and Design
- Selinsgrove, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
4 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
Get hands-on experience in a wide range of production and design disciplines to refine your interests, hone your skills, and prepare you for a lifetime of creativity in theatre. You’ll work as the professionals do, and you will assume responsibilities that stand out on resumes. Students just like you, run most of the production operations here. Our productions couldn’t exist without student dedication. Our hands-on production labs are small and focused on your development. And our productions rival any conservancy program in scope and quality.
Susquehanna University
BA in Theatre Performance
- Selinsgrove, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
4 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
Take center stage at Susquehanna and beyond in our theatre performance major. You’ll grow artistically as an actor. From the critical analysis of dramatic literature to authentic and powerful acting on stage, you’ll develop your craft beyond what you thought possible. Explore characters that force you out of your comfort zone and learn something about yourself in the process. You’ll focus on the tools you need to improve your acting. Our intensive acting classes are supported by coursework in theatre history and dramatic theory, enhancing your performances.
Susquehanna University
BA in Theatre Studies
- Selinsgrove, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
4 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
If you want theatre as the cornerstone of your undergrad experience, this academically rigorous, broad-based course of study is for you! Connect fresh audiences to the power of theatre and re-invigorate seasoned participants with new works and exciting approaches to well-known plays. Learn about theatrical theories, best practices, historical challenges, and the great artists and thinkers of yesterday who make today’s performances meaningful.
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Sarjana Program di dalam Selinsgrove, Amerika Serikat
Amerika Serikat tetap menjadi tujuan paling populer di dunia bagi siswa internasional. Universitas di AS mendominasi peringkat dunia dan negara ini juga menawarkan beragam lokasi studi yang menarik. Sistem universitas negeri sebagian disubsidi oleh pemerintah negara bagian, dan mungkin memiliki banyak kampus yang tersebar di seluruh negara bagian, dengan ratusan ribu mahasiswa.
Memperoleh gelar Bachelor of Arts (BA) adalah sebuah prestasi akademik setelah menyelesaikan serangkaian perkuliahan selama tiga atau empat tahun. Subjek-subjek yang dipelajari dalam rangka untuk mendapatkan gelar ini bervariasi di bawah disiplin seni liberal dan ilmu.