23 programs in Harrisonburg
- Sarjana
- Amerika Serikat
- Harrisonburg
23 programs in Harrisonburg
James Madison University
BS dalam Pendidikan Menengah
- Harrisonburg, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
4 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
Pendidik Sekolah Menengah bersemangat membantu siswa mereka menemukan keajaiban belajar. Mereka bersemangat untuk mengeksplorasi konten dengan cara yang mendalam dan bermakna dengan siswa mereka di kelas 6 sampai 12, mengajar pada tingkat kompleksitas kognitif yang lebih tinggi daripada yang biasanya dialami di kelas sekolah menengah atau sekolah dasar. Karena bidang pendidikan menengah sangat berfokus pada konten, siswa kami mengambil jurusan di bidang konten mereka yang memberi mereka dasar yang kuat untuk membangun pelajaran yang menantang dan terintegrasi dengan tepat yang akan berdampak pada siswa mereka selama bertahun-tahun yang akan datang.
James Madison University
B.S. in Special Education
- Harrisonburg, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
4 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
This major prepares individuals to become special education teachers for students grades K-12. Students major in special education with a concentration in either general curriculum or adapted curriculum. General curriculum licensure prepares teacher candidates to work with students with disabilities who are pursuing a standard high school diploma, whereas Adapted curriculum licensure prepares teacher candidates to work with students with disabilities who are more significantly impacted by their disability and working on a specialized curriculum. Both licenses may be obtained through specialized advising.
James Madison University
B.S. in Communication Sciences & Disorders
- Harrisonburg, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
4 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
The program will prepare students for graduate studies in speech-language pathology and audiology. There is a nationwide shortage of speech-language pathologists and audiologists so they are in strong demand for jobs. The undergraduate major can be pursued as a Bachelor of Science (B.S.).
James Madison University
B.S. in Industrial Design
- Harrisonburg, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
4 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
Industrial designers blend art, engineering, business, sociology, and anthropology, study people, and drive consumer behavior. The Industrial Design program at JMU equips students with the creative problem-solving skills necessary to become innovative design leaders. It empowers students to become positive social, environmental, and economic forces in their communities and professions.
James Madison University
B.S. in Anthropology
- Harrisonburg, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
4 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
Anthropology is the documenting of the diverse ways humans live. At JMU, anthropology majors review many different factors to uncover the answers to these deep questions. The examination of artifacts, beliefs, and values helps anthropologists to obtain specific clues about human life. In order to gather information about beliefs and values, anthropologists often work directly with the people who they are studying. This fascinating, hands-on field offers a lifetime of learning experiences and remarkably flexible career options.
James Madison University
B.S. in Biophysical Chemistry
- Harrisonburg, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
4 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
Biophysical chemistry uses physical science to understand complex biological systems. Our biophysical chemistry major is extremely multidisciplinary and designed for intensive hands-on learning. Students in this major will develop a solid foundation in chemistry and physics in order to explore the inner workings of biological systems. Our faculty is dedicated to engaging students outside the classroom in mentored research projects, and students are trained in the use of equipment and instrumentation found in top research laboratories.
James Madison University
B.S. in Middle Grades Education
- Harrisonburg, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
4 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
Middle Grades Educators walk alongside adolescents during some of the most formative years of their life. They are eager to connect with their students and help them develop socially and emotionally in grades 6 through 8, collaborating with fellow teachers to create meaningful and integrated learning experiences for their students. Because the middle grades education field is so student-focused, our educational courses give our students a firm foundation from which to understand their students and to develop relational skills and learning strategies that will positively impact their students for years to come.
James Madison University
B.S. in Public Administration
- Harrisonburg, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
4 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
Public Administration majors at JMU graduate with powerful skills for understanding their community, country, and the world. Students majoring in public administration take courses in U.S. politics and policy, public and nonprofit management, economics, and research methodology. Interested students may apply in their sophomore year to participate in the Fifth-Year Master of Public Administration degree program, which allows qualified students to earn an MPA degree with one additional year of study. Our vast network of alumni helps students transition to careers in government, consulting, policy advocacy, communications, and the non-profit sector. We seek to enhance the quality of public policy and civic life at home and abroad by teaching students, conducting research, and collaborating with people inside and outside of the JMU community.
James Madison University
B.S. in Statistics
- Harrisonburg, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
4 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
Statistics is the science of analyzing numerical data and has applications in a variety of fields. At JMU, you will get the best of both worlds: in-depth faculty-student collaborative experiences usually only found in smaller liberal arts institutions, along with the breadth and diversity of offerings of a large institution. Our faculty is committed to incorporating student projects into their research and guiding undergraduates through the processes of proposing and carrying out professional-level research projects in statistics. In addition, our conferences, clubs, and outreach programs designed specifically for undergraduates make our majors true members of our community.
James Madison University
B.S. in Intelligence Analysis
- Harrisonburg, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
3 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
Intelligence Analysis at JMU provides a multi-disciplinary education for students who seek careers as analysts with a specialization in intelligence analysis. Our degree integrates knowledge from a variety of disciplines such as philosophy, history, economics, political science, technology and business. Students learn how to be analysts with courses emphasizing research, reading, thinking, writing, and speaking – and the use of technologies to facilitate that. Topics addressed in our courses cover subjects related to security (such as terrorism or cyber-crime) from any of the eight intelligence domains: national security, military, homeland security, law enforcement, business, private sector security, geospatial, and cyber.
James Madison University
B.S. in Health Services Administration
- Harrisonburg, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
4 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
The profession of health administration is key to meeting the health and medical needs of the public. The Health Services Administration major prepares students for entry-level administrative positions and administrative staff support roles in various health organizations such as hospitals, hospital systems, ambulatory clinics, physician practices, nursing homes and managed care organizations. Health services administration is a dynamic and rewarding profession that combines students' interests in health, business, and serving others. Through case studies and applied learning activities, faculty help students gain an understanding of key management functions and techniques used in health organizations, current issues confronting administrators, and the role of administrators in assuring organizational performance.
James Madison University
BS dalam Fisika
- Harrisonburg, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
4 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
Fisika adalah studi tentang hukum alam yang menggambarkan alam semesta yang kita lihat di sekitar kita. Di JMU , jurusan fisika kami memiliki kesempatan untuk menyesuaikan program gelar mereka agar sesuai dengan minat dan tujuan karir mereka. Kami menawarkan kursus yang berfokus pada berbagai aspek fisika, termasuk ilmu material, fisika komputasi, elektronik, dan fisika nuklir terapan. Siswa sangat didorong untuk melakukan proyek penelitian dengan fakultas kami, dan sering mempresentasikan penelitian di konferensi profesional dan menghasilkan publikasi yang ditulis bersama. Selain itu, ada banyak peluang di departemen fisika dan astronomi untuk pengalaman penelitian berbayar.
James Madison University
B.S. in Biotechnology
- Harrisonburg, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
4 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
Biotechnology is the use of biological components and/or processes to tackle human problems. Most often, biotechnological solutions come in the form of products or tools. The Biotechnology Degree Program at JMU leverages the strengths of three founding departments—Biology, Chemistry, and Biochemistry—and Integrated Science and Technology. It also incorporates two colleges—Science and Mathematics and Integrated Science and Engineering—to provide a unique program with both scientific and technical depth and cross-disciplinary breadth. Students undertake a rigorous curriculum, rich with three critically important areas: hands-on laboratory experiences; critical analyses of both the how and the why of biotechnological solutions; and the development of transferable skills to keep up in a rapidly changing field.
James Madison University
B.S. in Sport and Recreation Management
- Harrisonburg, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
4 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
Effective sports and recreation managers plan, organize and direct the operations of sports and fitness programs, activities and services. Whether working with a professional sports team, at a commercial fitness business or for a parks and recreation department, you’ll need competencies in marketing, leadership and project management to be successful. As a JMU sport and recreation management major, you will develop leadership skills through sound theoretical course work, innovative learning activities and mentoring opportunities. All of your major requirements are met through small classes, team learning experiences and meaningful personal contacts with faculty and industry professionals. With an emphasis on applied practical knowledge, your required internship will augment your classroom learning as you work alongside dynamic industry professionals in premier sport and recreation organizations. Along the way, your required classes will also earn you a useful general business minor. This program will challenge you to think critically, use technology and appreciate the global community.
James Madison University
B.S. in Communication Studies
- Harrisonburg, Amerika Serikat
Waktu penuh
4 bertahun-tahun
Di kampus
Bahasa inggris
There's more to JMU Communication Studies than meets the eye. We are a community engaged in teaching, researching, and practicing communication as central to cultivating ethical, productive, and meaningful lives and relationships. The JMU School of Communication Studies, one of the largest departments on campus with close to 800 majors and minors, features six unique thematic concentrations and a generalist option for students who want to take a wider range of classes. We also offer many engaged learning opportunities, ranging from service learning to undergraduate research, internships, and several exciting study abroad options.
Format populer
Sarjana Program di dalam Harrisonburg, Amerika Serikat
Harrisonburg, Virginia host lebih dari 40.000 penduduk di wilayah perbatasannya. Hal ini dilayani oleh sistem yang terdiri dari 8 sekolah umum, sebuah universitas publik atas nama James Madison University dan satu pribadi selain dua perguruan tinggi juga ditemukan di sini.
Amerika Serikat tetap menjadi tujuan paling populer di dunia bagi siswa internasional. Universitas di AS mendominasi peringkat dunia dan negara ini juga menawarkan beragam lokasi studi yang menarik. Sistem universitas negeri sebagian disubsidi oleh pemerintah negara bagian, dan mungkin memiliki banyak kampus yang tersebar di seluruh negara bagian, dengan ratusan ribu mahasiswa.
Lembaga-lembaga akademis di seluruh dunia menawarkan BSc atau Bachelor of Science. Gelar sarjana populer ini membantu dalam mempersiapkan mahasiswa untuk tempat kerja atau untuk program gelar yang lebih tinggi. Rata-rata BSc memakan waktu tiga sampai lima tahun untuk diselesaikan.