Sarjana Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi - Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak
4 Years
Waktu penuh
Minta batas waktu aplikasi
Sep 2025
EUR 8.600 / per year *
Di kampus
* Biaya pendidikan (mahasiswa Uni Eropa/EEA) €2530 per tahun
Saya ada di mana-mana! Memesan tiket konser, mengajukan pinjaman mahasiswa, menelepon teman Anda yang sedang dalam perjalanan studi - ini semua dapat dilakukan secara online saat ini. Spesialis IT memainkan peran kunci dalam menjaga aktivitas sehari-hari tersebut berjalan dengan lancar. Bachelor of Science dalam bidang Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak adalah persiapan yang sangat baik untuk karier yang dinamis. Apakah Anda tertarik untuk merancang dan mengembangkan aplikasi kreatif?
Proyek-proyek yang berkolaborasi dengan para profesional
Mulai dari tahun pertama, Anda sudah akan mengerjakan tugas-tugas ICT praktis. Pekerjaan ini berkisar dari mengumpulkan persyaratan hingga merancang dan membangun solusi, menguji, dan mengirimkannya.
Pilih rute Anda
Dunia TIK sangat luas. Setelah memperoleh pengetahuan teknis yang diperlukan dalam dua tahun pertama, Anda akan memilih bidang spesialisasi Anda dalam rekayasa perangkat lunak selama fase utama program.
kerja internasional
Ketika bekerja sama dalam tim internasional, Anda akan menemukan bahwa ekspektasi terkait manajemen, berurusan dengan rekan kerja, memberikan umpan balik, mengajukan pertanyaan, dan sebagainya, berbeda karena perbedaan budaya. Anda akan mempelajari bagaimana hal ini memengaruhi komunikasi di bidang TI dan bagaimana kita dapat menghadapinya dalam tim global.
Beasiswa dan Pendanaan
We are proud to offer scholarships to talented international students who apply for a bachelor's or master's Program at Saxion University of Applied Sciences.
Saxion Scholarships Program
Over the years we developed several scholarships that are available for talented international bachelor and master students from outside the EU/EEA.
- Orange Tulip Scholarship Program (OTS)
- Orange Knowledge Program (OKP)
- MENA Scholarship Program (MSP)
- Holland Scholarship (HS)
Other Scholarships
Further information on how and where to apply for a scholarship is available at the nearest Royal Netherlands Embassy, or from the Dutch Education Organization NUFFIC.
Subjects year 1
- Organization & IT
- Introduction to Programming
- Databases
- Introduction to Infrastructures + IT Fundamentals
- Object Oriented Programming
- Web Basics
- Software Development Principles
- Requirements Engineering + Introductions Algorithms and Data Structures
- Multiple projects
The Second Year
Collaboration project with the business sector
The second year will conclude with a large project in which you will work for a real customer. In preparation for this project,
you will study the contents of the chosen profile in-depth in year 2 through various modules.
Top Talent Programme
From the second year onwards, you will have the opportunity to qualify for the Saxion Top Talent Programme. This program offers you the opportunity to further develop your talents so that you will experience a simple and smooth transition from higher professional education to university education. Want to find out more? Read all the info on the Top Talent Programme.
Subjects year 2
- Web Advanced
- Complex Data Structures
- System Design
- Parallel Computing
- DevOps
- Internet Technology
- Embedded Programming
- Advanced-Data Management
- Research, Law & Ethics
The Third Year
Further specialisation
In the third and fourth years, you will further specialize yourself. You will work on an internship assignment with a company of your choice, you will focus on the future possibilities of ICT, and you will choose from various minors to deepen or broaden your knowledge. Examples of broadening minors are psychology, photography, or even history.
The Fourth Year
Become an expert!
The fourth year consists of a six-month specialization phase. You will immerse yourself in a topical issue within the subject area. After completing the specialization, you will be ready for your final test: the graduation assignment. This will conclude your degree program.
Biaya Pendidikan Program
Kesempatan berkarir
- Pengembang front-end
- Pengembang ujung belakang
- Ilmuwan Data / Insinyur kecerdasan buatan / Insinyur data besar
- Analis sistem
- Arsitek Sistem
- Insinyur Internet of Things
- Insinyur aplikasi seluler