Bachelor of Computer Science
Ottawa, Kanada
4 up to 5 Years
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02 Sep 2025
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Carleton’s Computer Science program teaches you the principles of solving computational problems while giving you up-to-date applied skills for working on cutting-edge projects and building the technology of tomorrow.
Computers and computer systems play a central role in business, communication, science, entertainment, and medicine. As the range of computer applications continues to expand, so does the demand for computer scientists.
Computer Science is an ever-changing discipline that studies the theory, design, and implementation of computer applications and systems. You will learn to use computing and information technology to help solve the problems that we face in business, science, and society today and those that we will face tomorrow.
The Computer Science program at Carleton is organized into diverse streams so that you can develop a particular expertise.
All streams share a common core of computer science courses. No matter which stream you choose, you will gain expertise in all the fundamentals, including programming, algorithms, software engineering, databases and web applications.
Specialty streams
- AI and Machine Learning
- Algorithms
- Computer and Internet Security
- Computer Game Development
- Software Engineering
Multidisciplinary streams
- Management and Business Systems
Industrial Applications Internship Option
The Internship Option gives exceptionally qualified students an opportunity to get work experience that is tightly integrated with their Bachelor of Computer Science studies. Students in the internship option are both full-time Computer Science students and paid employees of the industrial partner.
Carleton’s initial industrial partner is Shopify, an Ottawa-based company that has created one of the world’s leading eCommerce platforms. In addition to providing students with a salary, Shopify covers the students’ tuition and educational expenses. Students are taught all the Computer Science fundamentals of Computer Science degree while working with professional developers at Shopify learning how the fundamentals apply to solve real problems for customers.
Graduates of this program will be exceptionally well-placed for a career in Canada’s top software development companies.
Combined programs
Computer Science can be combined with Mathematics.
Co-op opportunities
Our co-operative education program will provide you with industry experience and introduce you to a world of global technology.
Here are some of the places that have recently hired Carleton Computer Science students for co-operative education work terms:
- Nokia
- Mitel
- Canada Border Services Agency
- Espial
- Entrust
The capital advantage
Ottawa boasts a vibrant high-tech sector, comprised of both established multinational firms and cutting-edge startups. As Canada’s national capital, Ottawa also offers a full range of employment opportunities with federal government departments and affiliated agencies.
Professional designation
Students graduating with a BCS (Honors) degree from Carleton‘s School of Computer Science can also earn an Information Systems Professional (ISP) designation. Carleton is the first university in Canada to make the ISP designation an integral part of their BCS (Honors) program.
This designation is given by the Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS), the national association of IT professionals, which is also in charge of the evaluation and accreditation of the Bachelor of Computer Science programs in Canada as well as the code of ethics for IT professionals in Canada. The designation is awarded to Carleton graduates following two years of professional employment. No additional exams are required.
Program options
The Bachelor of Computer Science is available as an Honours degree, with the optional choice of streams, and a Major degree for those desiring a less-specialized program. We also offer a Combined Honours program with Mathematics.
Our Honours degree has been approved by the Canadian Computer Science Accreditation Council (CSAC). The Software Engineering stream has been approved by CSAC as a Software Engineering program. The degree is generally completed in four years, or five years if the co-op option is chosen.
Computer Science students can add another area of study, called a minor, to their program. Having this other area of specialization can often turn into a distinct advantage when applying for jobs. Visit the Carleton University Undergraduate Calendar at to see all the programs that offer a minor option. As well, students in other programs can opt to take the four-credit minor in Computer Science.
Future opportunities
Carleton Computer Science graduates go on to meaningful and rewarding careers in:
- Applications for biotechnology, artificial intelligence, computer gaming, business and mobile devices
- Large-scale software design and development;
- Software and systems security analysis
- Web services and infrastructure
Many Carleton Computer Science graduates continue to graduate school, where they study and research more advanced topics and work with research faculty in areas such as Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Computer Security and more.
Program Ilmu Komputer Honors dapat diambil apa adanya, atau Anda dapat menambahkan aliran, atau opsi Magang kami. Dalam semua kasus, Anda akan mengambil inti umum dari kursus ilmu komputer, termasuk kursus dalam pemrograman, algoritma, rekayasa perangkat lunak, database dan aplikasi web. Aliran khusus kami memberi Anda kesempatan untuk berkonsentrasi pada bidang penting tertentu dari ilmu komputer.
Aliran multidisiplin kami memberi Anda kesempatan untuk memeriksa area aplikasi yang meningkatkan peluang bagi ilmuwan komputer. Anda juga dapat memilih untuk mengambil gelar Honours tanpa streaming, atau memulai tanpa streaming dan menambahkannya nanti.
Gelar Honours kami telah disetujui oleh Dewan Akreditasi Ilmu Komputer Kanada (CSAC). Aliran Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak telah disetujui oleh CSAC sebagai program Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak. Gelar umumnya selesai dalam empat tahun, atau lima tahun jika opsi co-op dipilih.
Aliran khusus:
- Kecerdasan Buatan (AI) dan Pembelajaran Mesin
- algoritma
- Keamanan Komputer dan Internet
- Pengembangan Game Komputer
- Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak
Aliran multidisiplin:
- Sistem Manajemen dan Bisnis
Program gelar utama
Bagi mereka yang menginginkan program yang agak kurang ketat dan peluang untuk lebih luas, sekolah juga menawarkan program gelar Mayor. Harap dicatat bahwa gelar Honours biasanya diperlukan untuk masuk ke studi pascasarjana.
Anak di bawah umur
Siswa Ilmu Komputer dapat menambahkan bidang studi lain, yang disebut minor, ke program mereka. Memiliki bidang spesialisasi lain ini seringkali dapat berubah menjadi keuntungan tersendiri saat melamar pekerjaan. Selain itu, siswa di program lain dapat memilih untuk mengambil minor empat kredit di Ilmu Komputer.
Beasiswa dan Pendanaan
Beberapa pilihan beasiswa tersedia. Silakan periksa situs web universitas untuk informasi lebih lanjut.
Kesempatan berkarir
Lulusan Ilmu Komputer Carleton melanjutkan karir yang makmur di bidang-bidang seperti:
- Desain dan pengembangan perangkat lunak;
- Layanan dan infrastruktur web;
- Analisis keamanan perangkat lunak dan sistem; dan
- Bioteknologi, kecerdasan buatan, permainan komputer, dan aplikasi bisnis.
Untuk siswa Honours yang tertarik dengan studi pascasarjana, Carleton menawarkan program pascasarjana di bidang Ilmu Komputer, baik di tingkat master maupun doktoral.