Bachelor of Industrial Design
Ottawa, Kanada
4 Years
Bahasa inggris
Waktu penuh
Minta batas waktu aplikasi *
Minta tanggal mulai paling awal
Minta biaya sekolah
Di kampus
* Batas waktu pengiriman portofolio adalah 3 Maret
Industrial designers are responsible for the concept, the design and the details that are worked out before the manufacturing process of any product can begin. They work behind the scenes to determine the features, appearance, materials, and ergonomics of the many products—from toasters to cell phones—that we use every day.
The Carleton advantage
At Carleton University, our unique and internationally respected Bachelor of Industrial Design (BID) program blends studies in design with applied sciences (such as math and physics) and the social sciences (like psychology and business). We focus on the process—from concept and design—through to the manufacturing and the everyday use of the product. There is also an emphasis on the context and social purpose of design.
In addition to the main program, you will have opportunities to complement your studies with a minor in areas such as business, psychology, sociology, and anthropology.
Start building your skills right away
Beginning in the very first year, you will learn design processes and methods by completing creative projects. Over the course of the program, you will move progressively from academic studies to more intensive design studio sessions, from theory to practice, while undertaking increasingly complex design projects. You will work on drawings, models, mock-ups and simulated products while learning about materials, marketing, environmental issues, users’ needs, and user testing. Much of your work will take place in team situations.
In your final year, you will participate in the School’s Annual Graduation Exhibition that showcases the work of all our students and, in particular, highlights the projects undertaken by fourth-year graduates. The exhibition attracts visitors and employers from different areas throughout the industry.
A team approach
Industrial designers usually work on teams to bring their unique perspective to the solution of problems. At Carleton, we simulate the real work environment of the industrial design field by providing many opportunities to work in team situations. This allows you to:
- Interact with other students in intimate, small group environments.
- Work with students from other disciplines, including mechanical, computer systems and aerospace engineering.
- Get involved with professors in innovative areas of research, such as interaction design, design for extreme environments and mass-production technology.
- Collaborate with industry partners on projects ranging from consumer products such as sports and leisure goods to medical-dental, biomedical and wearable-networked products.
Extensive facilities
Ranked amongst the best in North America, our on-campus facilities include:
- Modeling and testing laboratories (wood, plastic, metal)
- Well-equipped design studios
- Photographic facilities
- Wireless computing facilities
- Rapid prototyping equipment
- A mass-production/mold simulation laboratory
- Sensor/interactive products lab
The capital advantage
Due to its location in Ottawa, the nation’s capital, Carleton University provides you with resources for research, study and work placements that few can match. These include:
- A design workforce of over 3,500 designers.
- A large concentration of clinical, medical and life sciences research facilities.
- Rich research resources such as the National Research Council Canada.
The program
What is an industrial designer?
Industrial designers are the specialists who determine the features, appearance, materials, and ergonomics of the many products we use daily—from toasters and cell phones to sporting goods and tools. Industrial designers play a vital role in product development teams to ensure the connection between a product and its end-user.
Do you have what it takes?
Are you smart and creative? Do you enjoy solving problems? Are you interested in drawings and designing three-dimensional objects? Are you curious about how things work? Are you keen to design products that are useful to people? If so, Industrial Design may be the course of studies for you.
Practical work experience
As a student in Carleton’s Industrial Design (ID) program, you will learn by doing—both inside and outside the classroom.
Co-op opportunities
Co-operative education placements usually begin after the third year. You could work with leading Canadian design firms or design-oriented manufacturers and gain hands-on experience in real-life projects.
Internships can provide a minimum of 12 weeks of experience as a design intern.
You are required to submit a portfolio that demonstrates creativity and aptitude for the study of industrial design. Your portfolio should include:
- Curriculum vitae (academics, work experience, interests, etc.).
- Statement of interest with reasons for wanting to study industrial design.
- A diverse selection of creative work with explanatory notes.
Creative work may include freehand or computer-generated drawings, technical drawings, paintings, graphics and photographs, and images of 3-dimensional work such as sculptures, models, renovations, furniture, fashion items, etc.
Attending an information session at the School is also recommended.
Future opportunities
Carleton Industrial Design graduates are well-prepared to join any professional design team. Carleton graduates can be found working as design entrepreneurs and consultants and/or as members of design teams in companies such as Bata, Teknion, Lee Valley Tools, Mitel, Canada Post, Mountain Equipment Co-op, and Umbra.
Industrial Design graduates can also opt to continue their studies by completing a Master of Design (MDes) at Carleton University.
- Consulting
- Design
- Exhibit Design
- Furniture Design
- Graphic Design
- Interior Design
- Manufacturing
- Packaging Science
- Product Development
Mulai tahun pertama, Anda akan mempelajari proses dan metode desain dengan menyelesaikan proyek kreatif. Selama program berlangsung, Anda akan berpindah secara progresif dari studi akademis ke sesi studio desain yang lebih intensif, dari teori ke praktik, sambil melakukan proyek desain yang semakin kompleks. Anda akan mengerjakan gambar, model, mock-up, dan produk simulasi, sambil mempelajari materi, pemasaran, masalah lingkungan, kebutuhan pengguna, dan pengujian pengguna. Sebagian besar pekerjaan Anda akan dilakukan dalam situasi tim.
Di tahun terakhir Anda, Anda akan berpartisipasi dalam Pameran Kelulusan Tahunan Sekolah yang memamerkan karya semua siswa kami dan, khususnya, menyoroti proyek-proyek yang dilakukan oleh lulusan tahun keempat. Pameran ini menarik pengunjung dan pemberi kerja dari berbagai area di seluruh industri.
Beasiswa dan Pendanaan
Beberapa pilihan beasiswa tersedia. Silakan periksa situs web universitas untuk informasi lebih lanjut.
Kesempatan berkarir
Lulusan Carleton Industrial Design dipersiapkan dengan baik untuk bergabung dengan tim desain profesional mana pun. Lulusan Carleton dapat ditemukan bekerja sebagai pengusaha dan konsultan desain dan / atau sebagai anggota tim desain di perusahaan seperti Bata, Teknion, Lee Valley Tools, Mitel, Canada Post, Mountain Equipment Co-op dan Umbra.
Lulusan Desain Industri juga dapat memilih untuk melanjutkan studi mereka dengan menyelesaikan gelar Master of Design (MDes) di Carleton University.