Bachelor of Media Production and Design
Ottawa, Kanada
4 Years
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Online technologies are evolving quickly, revolutionizing the way we communicate with each other, disseminate information, and tell stories. Carleton’s Bachelor of Media Production and Design degree will give you the skills you need to leverage web technologies to produce highly visual, compelling, and immersive user experiences that bring data and stories to life. In this exciting and unique new program with first classes in September 2018, you will learn the theory and practice of taking an entire project to fruition – from idea or concept through to design, production, and distribution – by integrating your non-fiction storytelling, analytical and design abilities with your technical prowess.
The Carleton advantage
Carleton led the way with Canada’s first School of Journalism more than 70 years ago. It is once again at the forefront with the launch of the innovative BMPD.
This new honors degree program takes its place beside the university’s internationally recognized Bachelor of Journalism and Master of Journalism programs. In a logical expansion of the continually evolving School, a partnership was forged with Carleton’s School of Information Technology to develop the BMPD, which will prepare students to be leaders in the broader world of media into the future.
The BMPD will combine the best of professional hands-on skills instruction with an extensive and deep university education embracing the arts, humanities, social sciences and other spheres of knowledge.
Utilizing the university’s Journalism facilities, where students work with the latest in the video, audio and online production technologies, the BMPD welcomes those with a passion for storytelling and design to their new home at Carleton.
Co-op opportunities
You can choose a co-op option, working for 12 months after the fall term of the third year before completing the final three terms of your degree. Placements are arranged through Carleton’s Co-operative Education office with media companies, online design and production houses, not-for-profit and non-governmental organizations, corporations, and governments both in Ottawa and across the country.
The capital advantage
There are few better places in which to live and study than Ottawa, Canada’s capital. With more than 1,800 technology companies, the city is one of the country’s major high tech hubs and a global technology leader. It is home to Canada’s federal government, national non-governmental organizations, diplomats and embassies from around the world and active arts, culture and business communities. Many national media outlets and organizations, staffed by some of the country’s leading media professionals, also have Ottawa bases. Sharing a city with some of the world’s best tech companies and government laboratories offers excellent opportunities for co-op and internship placements, as well as exciting prospects for future employment.
The program
A combination of intensive hands-on workshops and lecture courses gives you a strong foundation in data, research, writing, and narrative abilities across media formats (text, photography, audio, video, graphics). The classroom experience will build fundamental production and design skills and thinking into the development and application of narratives, with the understanding that design shapes how and what information is delivered to audiences, making “story” and “design” inseparable.
As well as acquiring editorial and technical skills, you will develop the theoretical knowledge and understanding of the power of “story” through coursework in ethics, law, civic institutions and citizen interactions via policy vehicles, data and information technology theory and the history of persuasive narration and imagery. You will learn how to combine storytelling skills traditionally taught to journalists with the design skills that come from information technology, exploring where the two intersect to engage audiences in distinctive ways.
You will receive much of your instruction in small class sections of no more than 30 with plentiful opportunities for hands-on work and constant feedback, especially in the early years of your program. As you progress from year to year, developing your expertise in those core program elements, your coursework will be augmented by instruction delivered in larger lecture-size courses in subject areas such as ethics and digital media law, as well as in emerging media industries and practical aspects such as freelancing.
Housed in the Faculty of Public Affairs, the program is the first in Canada to merge core information-based story skills and interactive multimedia design to give graduates the foundation from which to lead in the evolution of online communication in all its forms.
The option of a minor will be available to students in the BMPD. Students will be encouraged to consider developing their entrepreneurial thinking and skills through the incorporation of the Entrepreneurship minor offered by the Sprott School of Business. Other subject-area specializations or a combined honors degree will also be possible.
Future opportunities
The workplace
BMPD graduates will apply creative production and design thinking to information strategies and narratives that help empower citizens, strengthen communities and help organizations of all sorts tell their stories online:
- Media producers for mainstream and new digital media.
- Information-based producer/designers for not-for-profits, NGOs, corporations, and governments.
- Digital communications experts.
- Data analysts/Conceptualizers.
Graduate programs
With your Bachelor of Media Production and Design degree, you will also be able to pursue studies in Master’s programs such as Journalism or Digital Media.
- Communications
- Data Analysts
- Design
- Digital Media
- Media Production
- Non-Governmental Organizations
Kombinasi lokakarya intensif dan kursus kuliah memberi Anda dasar yang kuat dalam data, penelitian, penulisan, dan kemampuan naratif di seluruh format media (teks, fotografi, audio, video, grafik). Pengalaman kelas akan membangun keterampilan produksi dan desain yang mendasar dan berpikir ke dalam pengembangan dan penerapan narasi, dengan pemahaman bahwa desain membentuk bagaimana dan informasi apa yang disampaikan kepada audiens, membuat "cerita" dan "desain" tidak dapat dipisahkan.
Selain memperoleh keterampilan editorial dan teknis, Anda akan mengembangkan pengetahuan teoritis dan pemahaman tentang kekuatan "cerita" melalui kursus di bidang etika, hukum, institusi sipil dan interaksi warga melalui kendaraan kebijakan, teori data dan teknologi informasi dan sejarah persuasif narasi dan citra. Anda akan belajar bagaimana menggabungkan keterampilan mendongeng yang secara tradisional diajarkan kepada jurnalis dengan keterampilan desain yang berasal dari teknologi informasi, mengeksplorasi di mana keduanya berpotongan untuk melibatkan audiens dengan cara yang berbeda.
Anda akan menerima banyak instruksi Anda di kelas kecil bagian tidak lebih dari 30 dengan banyak peluang untuk pekerjaan langsung dan umpan balik konstan, terutama di tahun-tahun awal program Anda. Seiring kemajuan Anda dari tahun ke tahun, mengembangkan keahlian Anda dalam elemen program inti tersebut, kursus Anda akan ditambah dengan instruksi yang disampaikan dalam kursus ukuran kuliah yang lebih besar di bidang subjek seperti etika dan hukum media digital, serta di industri media yang sedang berkembang dan aspek praktis seperti lepas.
Anak di bawah umur
Pilihan anak di bawah umur akan tersedia bagi siswa di BMPD. Siswa akan didorong untuk mempertimbangkan mengembangkan pemikiran dan keterampilan kewirausahaan mereka melalui penggabungan minor Kewirausahaan yang ditawarkan oleh Sekolah Bisnis Sinta. Spesialisasi mata pelajaran lain atau gelar kehormatan gabungan juga akan dimungkinkan.
Hasil Program
Dengan gelar Sarjana Produksi Media dan Desain, Anda juga akan dapat melanjutkan studi dalam program-program Master seperti Jurnalisme atau Media Digital.
Beasiswa dan Pendanaan
Beberapa pilihan beasiswa tersedia. Silakan periksa situs web universitas untuk informasi lebih lanjut.
Kesempatan berkarir
Tempat kerja
Lulusan BMPD akan menerapkan produksi kreatif dan pemikiran desain ke strategi informasi dan narasi yang membantu memberdayakan warga, memperkuat komunitas, dan membantu organisasi dari segala jenis menceritakan kisah mereka secara online:
- Produser media untuk media arus utama dan media digital baru
- Produsen / desainer berbasis informasi untuk organisasi nirlaba, LSM, perusahaan dan pemerintah
- Pakar komunikasi digital
- Analis / pembuat konsep data