Bachelor of Science
Ottawa, Kanada
4 Years
Bahasa inggris
Waktu penuh
Minta batas waktu aplikasi
Minta tanggal mulai paling awal
Minta biaya sekolah
Di kampus
Experimenting is a key component of learning science at Carleton. In the first year, your classes will typically have a lecture and a lab or tutorial component. Each lab will take three hours per week, so if you choose three of these lab courses, you could have nine hours of hands-on experimentation every week.
Our labs, tutorials, field courses, and seminars are conducted in small classes, resulting in plenty of personalized interactions with professors, lab supervisors, and fellow students.
First-year science students are encouraged to enroll in our unique seminar course, Seminar in Science, designed specifically to introduce you to the latest scientific issues and to help you develop the kind of communication, analytical thinking, and research skills you will need for your science studies and your career.
Many of our professors are actively involved in groundbreaking research in their areas of expertise, and you could find yourself working on some of these projects. Carleton faculty have also forged strong links with Ottawa-based industries, government labs, and departments, as well as teaching and research hospitals, providing Carleton students with a diverse range of research and employment opportunities.
Explore Science at Carleton University
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Kesempatan berkarir
Banyak dari profesor kami secara aktif terlibat dalam penelitian terobosan di bidang keahlian mereka, dan Anda dapat menemukan diri Anda mengerjakan beberapa proyek ini. Fakultas Carleton juga telah menjalin hubungan yang kuat dengan industri yang berbasis di Ottawa, laboratorium dan departemen pemerintah, serta rumah sakit pengajaran dan penelitian, memberikan mahasiswa Carleton beragam peluang penelitian dan pekerjaan.