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Charles University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sarjana Pelatih
Charles University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport

Sarjana Pelatih

Prague, Ceko

3 Years

Bahasa inggris

Waktu penuh

Minta batas waktu aplikasi

Minta tanggal mulai paling awal

EUR 6.225 / per year *

Di kampus

* online application fee: 820 CZK


A task of the new Study Programme is to meet the demand for an education of coaches who do not have ambitions to become a physical education teachers. All the students in the area of Physical Education and Sport have been educated and prepared so far for the career of physical education teachers. The aim of the Programme is to prepare experts in the area of sports training with coaching and methodical, psychological, social, diagnostic, and intervention competencies in all levels of sport such as a professional one within their chosen branch of sport, sport for everyone and health reason physical activity programs. The graduates are expected to be experts in the theoretical designing of training programs, their application to the practical form of training using the didactic interaction with a specific group of population.


Hasil Program

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Tentang Sekolah
