Bachelor of Science dalam Teknik Industri
Lakeland, Amerika Serikat
4 Years
Bahasa inggris
Waktu penuh
Minta batas waktu aplikasi
Minta tanggal mulai paling awal
USD 105 / per credit *
Di kampus
* biaya kuliah penduduk dan non penduduk untuk 30 jam kredit
Mahasiswa teknik industri mendapatkan dasar yang kuat dalam prinsip dan praktik untuk berkontribusi pada solusi inovatif untuk sistem yang kompleks melalui integrasi orang, uang, mesin, material, waktu, dan sumber daya untuk berbagai aplikasi dunia nyata. Mahasiswa akan mendapatkan pengetahuan dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu teknik termasuk desain, manufaktur, dan sistem informasi, serta mengasah keterampilan profesional mereka dalam bidang teknik dan manajemen proyek.
Di dunia saat ini, para mahasiswa diberi kesempatan untuk menjadi 'pengambil keputusan' dan 'integrator sistem' dengan menggunakan model dan metode matematika, kecerdasan buatan, dan penginderaan jarak jauh untuk inovasi berbasis teknologi guna menawarkan solusi perintis untuk bangunan, pabrik, rumah sakit, penanganan material, sistem transportasi, dan untuk lebih banyak lagi industri baik di sektor publik maupun swasta. Mahasiswa teknik industri akan siap bekerja dengan pengetahuan teknis dan keterampilan profesional untuk beradaptasi dengan lingkungan yang terus berubah, tantangan sosial, ekonomi, dan politik, serta teknologi yang sedang berkembang.
Beasiswa dan Pendanaan
We offer generous need- and merit-based scholarships and participate in statewide college funding programs like Florida Bright Futures and Florida Prepaid.
Institutional Scholarships
- Alexander Scholars
- Provost Scholars
- Florida Poly Merit Scholars
- Johnson Scholarship
- Latin American Caribbean Scholarship
- Florida Poly National Merit Finalist Scholarship
Out-of-State Scholarships
- First Generation Matching Grant
- Florida Student Assistance Grants (FSAG)
- Florida Bright Futures Scholarship
- José Martí Scholarship Grant Fund
- Rosewood Family Scholarship
The Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering degree program is designed to provide a synergetic foundation in the discipline of Industrial Engineering through broad educational experience gained through science and engineering courses, our hallmark design sequence with project-based learning activities, and applied research opportunities. Students will gain knowledge in a breadth of technical disciplines including design, manufacturing, and information systems, and hone their professional skills in engineering and project management. The industrial engineering program curriculum delivers a strong foundation in principles and practices that can contribute to innovative solutions for complex systems through the integration of people, money, machines, materials, time, and resources for a wide range of real-world applications.
Professional Core (8 credits)
- EGN 1006 - Career Design for STEM Disciplines (Credits: 1)
- IDS 4941 - Professional Experience Internship (Credits: 0)
- IDS 1380 - Foundational Lessons in Applications of Mathematics (Credits: 3)
- EGN 1007 - Concepts and Methods for Engineering and Computer Science (Credits: 1)
- COP 2271 - Introduction to Computation and Programming (Credits: 3)
General Education (39)
Communication (6 credits)
- ENC 1101 - English Composition 1: Expository and Argumentative Writing (Credits: 3)
- ENC 2210 - Technical Writing (Credits: 3)
Arts & Humanities (3-6 credits)
Choose at least one course (3 credits) from the following state-required list:
- ARH 2000 - Art Appreciation (Credits: 3)
- LIT 2000 - Introduction to Literature (Credits: 3)
- MUL 2010 - Music Appreciation (Credits: 3)
- PHI 2010 - Introduction to Philosophy (Credits: 3)
- HUM 2020 - Introduction to the Humanities (Credits: 3)
Optional additional course electives:
- HUM 2022 - Explorations in the Humanities (Credits: 3)
- IDS 2144 - Legal, Ethical, and Management Issues in Technology (Credits: 3)
Social Sciences (3-6 credits)
Choose at least one course (3 credits) from the following state-required list:
- AMH 2020 - American History Since 1877 (Credits: 3)
- POS 2041 - American Government (Credits: 3)
- ECO 2013 - Principles of Macroeconomics (Credits: 3)
- PSY 2012 - General Psychology (Credits: 3)
Optional additional course electives:
- HIS 2930 - Special Topics (Credits: 3)
- ECO 2023 - Principles of Microeconomics (Credits: 3)
- AMH 2010 - American History to 1877 (Credits: 3)
Mathematics (11 credits)
- MAC 2311 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1 (Credits: 4)
- MAC 2312 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus 2 (Credits: 4)
- MAP 2302 - Differential Equations (Credits: 3)
Natural Sciences (8 credits)
- PHY 2048 - Physics 1 (Credits: 3)
- PHY 2048L - Physics 1 Laboratory (Credits: 1)
- CHM 2045 - Chemistry 1 (Credits: 3)
- CHM 2045L - Chemistry 1 Laboratory (Credits: 1)
Advanced Math & Science (10 credits)
- PHY 2049 - Physics 2 (Credits: 3)
- PHY 2049L - Physics 2 Laboratory (Credits: 1)
- MAS 3114 - Computational Linear Algebra (Credits: 3)
- STA 3032 - Probability and Statistics (Credits: 3)
Program Core (50 credits)
- EGN 3311 - Statics (Credits: 3)
- EGN 3331 - Strength of Materials (Credits: 3)
- EGN 3448 - Operations Research (Credits: 3)
- EGN 3365 - Structure and Properties of Materials (Credits: 3)
- Introduction to Stochastic Models in Manufacturing and Service (Credits: 3)
- EGN 4611 - Engineering Economics (Credits: 3)
- EEL 3110 - Principles of Electrical Engineering (Credits: 3)
- EIN 3390 - Manufacturing Processes (Credits: 3)
- EGN 3466 - Discrete Event Simulation (Credits: 3)
- Financial and Managerial Accounting (Credits: 3)
- Productivity Analysis Production, Planning, and Control (Credits: 3)
- Engineering Project Management (Credits: 3)
- Design of Experiments (Credits: 3)
Electives & Other Requirements (6 credits)
- Data Science or Computer Science Elective (Credits: 3)
- General Engineering Elective (Credits: 3)
Design Sequence Capstone (6 credits)
- Industrial Engineering Design Capstone 1 (Credits: 3)
- Industrial Engineering Design Capstone 2 (Credits: 3)
Hasil Program
Graduates are expected to be prepared with a solid academic foundation and professional skills that are essential in today’s workforce with the diversity and ever-evolving role of industrial engineers. Graduates are expected to attain the following within a few years of graduation.
- Apply the fundamental concepts of mathematics, science, technology, and mechanical engineering to solve real-life problems of societal, global, environmental, and economic consequences.
- Achieve professional success by cultivating collaboration with multidisciplinary teams and constituencies through their technical knowledge, communication abilities, and leadership skills.
- Demonstrate ongoing career development as adaptive and independent professionals pursuing opportunities in continuing professional education ranging from industry-related training to advanced degrees, with entrepreneurial spirit and, an ethical responsibility to self and society.
Upon completion of the industrial engineering degree program, students will attain the following outcomes to be ready to enter the professional practice of engineering.
- An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
- An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
- An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
- An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informal judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
- An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
- An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
- An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
Biaya Pendidikan Program
Kesempatan berkarir
Dengan fokus pada integrasi sistem dan penggunaan sumber daya yang efisien, lulusan teknik industri menganalisis dan merancang fasilitas, sistem informasi, sistem manufaktur dan produksi, proses pengendalian kualitas, dan banyak lagi. Berdasarkan proses pengambilan keputusan berdasarkan data, mereka memainkan peran penting dalam berbagai industri yang mengelola, menjadwalkan, dan menetapkan proses yang efisien untuk penjaminan kualitas, penugasan pribadi, logistik, penanganan material, dan alokasi sumber daya. Insinyur industri sering kali dipersiapkan dengan baik untuk menjadi pengambil keputusan dan pemimpin dalam operasi lapangan mereka.
Make Your Passion a Career
We're here to give you the resources to land your dream internship, work alongside faculty in groundbreaking research, and develop leadership skills to stand out in the workplace.
Internship Opportunities
Internships are an important part of setting you up for success after college and are a requirement for you to graduate.
Research Opportunities
Conduct research alongside faculty that is improving lives and changing businesses, with impact ranging from the local Lakeland community to the outer reaches of space.
Career Development
We understand the importance of feeling prepared, and we are committed to your success here and beyond. That's why we have resources to support you in your continued career development.
English Language Requirements
Buktikan kemahiran bahasa Inggris Anda dengan Tes Bahasa Inggris Duolingo! DET adalah tes bahasa Inggris online yang nyaman, cepat, dan terjangkau yang diterima oleh lebih dari 4.000 universitas (seperti ini) di seluruh dunia.