BSc (Hons) Manajemen Konstruksi dengan Foundation Year
4 Years
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Jan 2025
GBP 9.250 / per year
Di kampus
Profesional konstruksi membentuk kota kita. Mereka membangun tempat kita tinggal, bekerja dan bermain. Jadilah bagian dari sektor yang bermanfaat, menantang dan dinamis ini dengan karir di bidang manajemen konstruksi.
Kursus gelar Manajemen Konstruksi kami akan mengembangkan keterampilan dan pengetahuan khusus Anda, serta pemahaman Anda tentang industri konstruksi saat ini - dan konteks hukum, lingkungan, dan teknologi di mana industri tersebut beroperasi.
Ikhtisar Kursus
Kursus gelar Manajemen Konstruksi telah dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan industri konstruksi saat ini, memberi Anda keterampilan dan pengetahuan khusus yang diperlukan untuk mengelola proyek konstruksi mulai dari awal dan desain hingga pekerjaan.
Industri konstruksi adalah lingkungan yang sangat praktis, teknis dan praktis, dan pengajaran serta pembelajaran dalam kursus mencerminkan hal ini. Anda akan belajar dari contoh kehidupan nyata, pembelajaran terkait pekerjaan, sesi praktik, inspeksi lokasi, dan pembicara tamu ahli dari sektor ini – yang semuanya menjadikan pembelajaran menjadi nyata dan memberikan pengalaman siswa yang dinamis.
Setelah lulus, Anda akan dapat menyelesaikan proyek konstruksi dengan aman, tepat waktu, sesuai anggaran, dan dengan kualitas dan standar konstruksi setinggi mungkin. Anda akan dapat menerapkan teori, konsep, dan prinsip utama yang digunakan dalam manajemen konstruksi - termasuk pengukuran, penilaian dan kinerja bangunan, desain dan kemampuan membangun - dan akan mendapat manfaat dari memiliki dasar yang kuat dalam teori manajemen bisnis umum.
Sebagai lulusan Manajemen Konstruksi, Anda juga akan dapat menerapkan pendekatan berbasis bukti untuk analisis, evaluasi, pengambilan keputusan dan pemecahan masalah dalam industri konstruksi, menjadikan Anda spesialis sejati yang dicari oleh pemberi kerja.
Spesifikasi Kursus
- Intake: September, Februari, Juni
- Durasi: 4 tahun
- Lembaga Pemberian: Universitas Bath Spa
- Gelar yang Diberikan: BSc (Hons) Manajemen Konstruksi
- Pengiriman: Hari Kerja, Malam Hari dan/atau Akhir Pekan
- Lokasi: London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds
Beasiswa dan Pendanaan
Funding Your Study
All students can access student finance.
Tuition Fee Loans
A Tuition Fee Loan covers the cost of your tuition fees. This is paid directly to your awarding institution (in this case Bath Spa University). Loan repayments only start once you have finished your course and are earning £26,575 a year or more. Both full- and part-time learners can apply.
Maintenance Loans
If you are eligible, you can also apply for a Maintenance Loan to cover living expenses. This loan is paid directly into your bank account at the start of the term. Maintenance Loans are repaid after you finish your course and your earnings are above £26,575 per year.
Maintenance Grants
You can also apply for a Maintenance Grant to help with living costs. Maintenance Grants are paid directly into your bank account at the start of the term. You don’t have to pay them back, but any funds you get will reduce the size of the Maintenance Loan you could receive, should you also wish to apply for one.
New students must prove they have been living in the UK for five years before their course start date to get living cost support from Student Finance England.
Year 0 (Foundation)
- Academic Research and Writing
- Introduction to Management
- Preparing for a Professional Career
- Introduction to the Built Environment
- Building Design and Building Science
- Introduction to Construction Management
Year 1
- Introduction to Law and Statutory Requirements
- Commercial and Organisational Environment in Construction
- Construction Methods, Materials and Technology
- Operational and Resource Management
- Innovation in Construction
- The Environment and Sustainable Issues
Year 2
- Preconstruction Management: Planning, Estimating and Tendering
- Professional Practice
- Economic and Financial Management
- Environmental and Construction Technology Design
- Maintenance of Buildings and Services
- Research Methods in Construction and the Built Environment
Year 3
- Contracts Management and Dispute Resolution
- Sustainable Construction and the Environment
- Current Issues in the Built Environment
- Research Project
- Project Management: Development and Evaluation
Assessment on the course is designed to provide suitable opportunities for all students to demonstrate a full range of knowledge, skills and competencies that are key in construction management. Assessment methods include essays, reports, real-life simulations, presentations, projects and group debates.
You will be required to work on your own time to complete research, homework tasks or group work. Self-study is vital to your success on this course and lecturers will give you guidance on how best to approach this throughout the study period.
Assessment methods at GBS are reviewed annually and may be updated based on student feedback, to suit content or based upon feedback from an External Examiner. An External Examiner is an independent academic expert from an external Higher Education Institution that acts as a safeguard to academic assessment standards.