Bachelor in Visual Merchandising
Paris, Perancis
3 up to 3 Years
Bahasa inggris
Waktu penuh
Minta batas waktu aplikasi
Minta tanggal mulai paling awal
EUR 9.400 / per year *
Campuran, Di kampus
* Application fee 150 EUR
Jelajahi peluang beasiswa untuk membantu mendanai studi Anda
IFA Paris Bachelor Certified by FEDE (Fédération Européenne Des Écoles)
- Duration: 3-year program in English
- Campuses: Paris, Florence
- Format: Paris/Florence/Paris
- ECTS Credits: 180
- Limited to: 25 students per class
"Captivate consumers with stunning visual displays"
Have you ever passed by the window displays of Selfridges, Bloomingdales or Printemps and stopped on your track as you admired their design? At the opposite of the spectrum, have you ever wondered what is this instinct that urges you to push the opaque fiberglass doors of the Comme des Garcons flagship store in Rue du Faubourg St. Honore in Paris? Whether we are astounded by their complexity or our curiosity or intrigued by their apparent simplicity, stores that achieve to make customers « pop in » to take a look are the ones that have mastered the art of visual merchandising.
Visual merchandising is a highly utilized platform applied by brands to promote a visual concept to its customers. Visual merchandisers are highly sought after, as they develop visual strategies and promote products, services in-store and in catalogs, to excite and engage. This first point of contact is also known as silent selling.
Too often reduced to window dressing, visual merchandising is a much more complex function of retail as it entails not only props or external decor in general but also interior architecture. The specific path that we follow within a store without even realizing it, the light intensity that varies according to the day or the impulse buying products strategically placed right next to the cashier are as many elements that participate to the achievement of the visual merchandiser’s ultimate goal: maximize the sales volume per available retailing square meter.
As part of its philosophy to provide students that the most up to date and industry relevant academic programs, IFA Paris has crafted a unique Bachelor in Visual Merchandising in collaboration with its Florentine academic partner: Academia Italiana.
Following the principle of campus rotations that IFA Paris has pioneered, students enrolled in the Bachelor in Visual Merchandising will have the possibility to follow their course in 2 locations: Florence and Paris. Being two important centers for the fashion industry those two cities will provide our students with different but complementary perspectives that will allow them to think outside the box.
Students enrolled within the IFA Paris Bachelor in Visual Merchandising program have the possibility to select the option of following the FEDE European Bachelor’s in Marketing at the end of the 2nd year of the Bachelor of Fashion Marketing program and receive a triple award:
- The Bachelor of Fashion Marketing by IFA Paris
- The European Bachelor’s in Marketing by FEDE*
- The State accredited Diploma with level 2 registration with France Competence** (Previously known as RNCP) bearing the title of “Responsable Marketing et Commercial”
Students who are awarded the Level 2 accredited Diploma of "Responsable Marketing et Commercial" will benefit from a government body recognition certifying that their program is the equivalent of a Bachelor’s degree. Holding a Level 2 Certification allows students to get entry into postgraduate programs offered by public universities. France Competence (or RNCP Certifications) is also recognized internationally by various regulatory bodies (QAA in the UK, YoK in Turkey, AQA in Australia, Chinese MOE, to name a few).
The 3 years structuring the course correspond to the 3 levels identified within the Higher Education Framework. The course is constructed in compliance with the Bologna Convention principles and grants participants, upon completion, a total of 180 ECTS (60 ECTS per year).
Struktur Kursus
Tahun pertama
Di bawah kerangka Pendidikan Tinggi, tahun pertama sesuai dengan HE Level 4. Siswa mengikuti modul inti untuk menemukan dunia bisnis mode. Mereka akan memperoleh keterampilan dasar dalam pemasaran, komunikasi, riset pasar, sumber daya manusia dan akuntansi untuk meletakkan dasar pedagogis kurva belajar mereka.
Tahun pertama juga umum dengan Bachelor of Fashion Marketing dan Bachelor of Fashion Distribution Management Programs.
Pengelompokan modul dibangun untuk memberikan kemajuan logis dalam perolehan kompetensi inti dalam Pemasaran, Desain Mode serta perangkat lunak CAD.
Siswa akan memiliki kemungkinan untuk memilih untuk memulai studi mereka di IFA Paris kampus di Shanghai atau Paris.
Tahun kedua
Di bawah kerangka Pendidikan Tinggi, tahun kedua sesuai dengan HE Level 5. Dalam tahap pengalaman belajar mereka, siswa diundang untuk berspesialisasi dalam Visual Merchandising. Fokusnya diletakkan pada arsitektur ritel dengan perpaduan sempurna antara modul bisnis dan kreatif.
Tahun kedua akan dilakukan di Florence di kampus mitra akademik kami Academia Italiana. Tingkat ini telah dirancang khusus untuk memperkenalkan siswa kami pada prinsip-prinsip desain interior yang diterapkan pada ruang ritel. Modul yang ditawarkan akan mencakup prinsip-prinsip desain arsitektur sebelum melanjutkan ke proyek-proyek praktis yang berkaitan dengan pembuatan maket toko.
Tahun ketiga
Di bawah kerangka Pendidikan Tinggi, tahun ketiga sesuai dengan HE Level 6. Dalam proses akhir pengalaman belajar mereka, siswa akan memobilisasi semua keterampilan yang dapat ditransfer yang diperoleh sebelumnya untuk mengatasi tantangan yang ditimbulkan oleh pengembangan proyek pribadi mereka sendiri. Siswa yang memilih spesialisasi Visual Merchandising akan diminta untuk menghasilkan Proyek Ritel Visual berdasarkan ringkasan klien kehidupan nyata.
Modul yang menyusun level ini adalah workshop yang disusun untuk memberikan dukungan kepada mahasiswa dalam membangun proyek terintegrasi mereka. Secara bersamaan mereka juga perlu menyelesaikan periode magang untuk menerapkan pengetahuan teoretis mereka dalam konteks praktis.
Tahun ke-3 akan dilakukan di kampus kami di Paris.
Sepanjang pengalaman belajar mereka, siswa kami akan dihadapkan pada praktik industri terbaru berkat kegiatan Career and Alumni Center (CAC) kami. Dari kuliah tamu hingga kunjungan lapangan dan pameran, semua kegiatan ekstra kurikuler ini diselenggarakan untuk memperluas perspektif siswa kami dan menghubungkan mereka dengan realitas industri yang telah mereka pilih untuk bekerja.
Biaya Pendidikan Program
Tentang Sekolah
Kursus Serupa
Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) dalam Fashion Merchandising
- San Francisco, Amerika Serikat
- Online
BConSci (Pakaian: Manajemen Ritel)
- Pretoria, Afrika Selatan
Sarjana Merchandising Eropa
- France Online, Perancis