BSc (Hons) Teknologi Informasi Bisnis
Canterbury, Britania Raya
3 Years
Bahasa inggris
Waktu penuh
Minta batas waktu aplikasi
Minta tanggal mulai paling awal
EUR 22.700 / per year
Di kampus
Bisnis semakin banyak terjadi di ruang digital. Gelar ini memberi Anda keterampilan yang Anda butuhkan untuk menerapkan pengetahuan komputasi ke bidang-bidang yang biasanya ditemukan dalam bisnis seperti e-commerce, sistem informasi, dan konsultasi komputer.
Bisnis dan perdagangan membutuhkan tenaga kerja terampil yang memahami dasar-dasar teknologi informasi dan prinsip-prinsip praktik bisnis. Gelar ini memberikan keseimbangan antara bisnis dan teknologi informasi serta menjawab kebutuhan industri, meningkatkan prospek kerja Anda.
Beasiswa dan Pendanaan
We have a range of subject-specific awards and scholarships for academic, sporting and musical achievement.
Stage 1
- Introduction to Management
- Financial Accounting for Decision Makers
- Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
- Foundations of Computing I
- Databases and the Web
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Computers and the Cloud
- Further Object-Oriented Programming
- Stage 1 Additional Content
Stage 2
- Database Systems
- Web Development
- Software Development
- Business Ethics and Sustainability
- Operations Management
- Project Management
Stage 3
- Group Project
- Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
Biaya Pendidikan Program
Kesempatan berkarir
Anda akan berada di jalur yang tepat untuk masa depan yang cerah. Lulusan yang memiliki pengetahuan IT dan keterampilan bisnis dapat mengharapkan prospek karier yang sangat baik. Lulusan kami telah bekerja di:
- Software engineering
- Mobile applications development
- Systems analysis
- Consultancy
- Networking
- Desain web dan e-commerce
- Finance and insurance
- Commerce
- Engineering
- Education
- Government
- Healthcare
Recent graduates have gone on to develop successful careers at leading companies such as:
- Cisco
- The Walt Disney Company
- Citigroup
- BT
Testimoni Siswa
Program delivery
How you'll study
You'll be offered plenty of support, including peer mentoring, web forums and study skills services to give you the best start to your career.
- Lectures
- Seminars
- Tutorials
- Independent Study
- Group Work
- Workshops
Teaching and assessment
Di dalam Sekolah Komputasi terdapat penulis buku teks yang banyak digunakan. Program diajarkan oleh peneliti terkemuka yang merupakan pakar di bidangnya.
Pengajaran didasarkan pada ceramah, dengan kelas praktik dan seminar, tetapi kami juga memperkenalkan cara mengajar yang lebih inovatif, seperti lingkungan belajar virtual dan bimbingan belajar berbasis kerja. Pekerjaan meliputi proyek kelompok, studi kasus, dan simulasi komputer, dengan proyek skala besar pilihan Anda sendiri di tahun terakhir.
Assessment is by a combination of coursework and end-of-year examination and details are shown in the module outlines on the web. Project modules are assessed wholly by coursework.
The marks from stage one do not go towards your final degree grade, but you must pass to continue to stage two.
Most stage two modules are assessed by coursework and end-of-year examination. Marks from stage two count towards your degree result.
Most stage three modules are assessed by a combination of coursework and end-of-year examination. Projects are assessed by your contribution to the final project, the final report, and oral presentation and viva examination. Marks from stage three count towards your degree result.
Contact hours
For a student studying full-time, each academic year of the program will comprise 1200 learning hours which include both direct contact hours and private study hours. The precise breakdown of hours will be subject-dependent and will vary according to modules.
Methods of assessment will vary according to subject specialism and individual modules.
Please refer to the individual module details under Course Structure.