BA (Hons) Architecture
Lincoln, Britania Raya
4 Years
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Di kampus
Temukan Lincoln Dimanapun Anda Berada di Dunia
Webinar kami, kelas master subjek, sesi tanya jawab, dan diskusi panel siswa adalah cara yang bagus untuk menemukan bagaimana rasanya tinggal dan belajar di University of Lincoln .
The BA (Hons) Architecture explores multiple approaches and design practices and aims to assist students in discovering their own voice as a designer. Much of the assessment is through project-based assignments, integrating theoretical, technical and design work. Students are supported in developing written papers, technical studies and design proposals in the studio environment.
Learning and teaching in the studio is informed by current research and the School promotes the exploration of drawing as a tool of observation, analysis and communication across a range of techniques from hand sketching to sophisticated computer representations. The School's computer aided design and workshop facilities allow students the opportunity to explore and communicate design using the most up-to-date techniques, both real and virtual.
Professional standards of exhibition presentation are fostered by the course's association with the School's Design for Exhibition and Museums course. The evolution of their sketchbook and portfolio can help students to reflect upon their personal and professional development.
This programme is delivered at both our Brayford Pool Campus, Lincoln and the School of Higher and Professional Education (SHAPE), Vocational Training Council (VTC) in Hong Kong. Prospective candidates can apply to study either at either the Lincoln campus or at Hong Kong SHAPE campus. Visiting and exchange opportunities are provided regularly
Although this programme is not validated by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) or prescribed by the Architects Registration Board (ARB) for exemption from Part 1 of the examination in Architecture in the UK, the BA (Hons) Architecture aims to provide a framework for developing students into enabling, coordinating and integrating designers, rather than a specialist; widely educated persons skilled in both architectural design and architectural technology.
The curriculum of the BA (Hons) Architecture is mapped onto the RIBA validated BArch curriculum. Students on both the BArch and BA programmes are taught together at the University of Lincoln's Brayford Pool Campus. Opportunities to transfer to the validated BArch programme may be available to exceptional students throughout the programme.
The Level 6 programme delivered in Hong Kong is accredited by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications.
This programme is also available with an Arts Foundation Year, which can provide an alternative route of entry onto the full degree programme.
"This information was correct at the time of publishing (July 2023)"
Bagaimana Anda Belajar
Pada mata kuliah ini, mahasiswa dapat mempelajari konsep-konsep yang mendasari arsitektur dan bagaimana sebuah bangunan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan penghuninya dan masyarakat.
Selama kursus, siswa mengerjakan serangkaian proyek berbasis studio independen dan kolaboratif. Mereka memiliki kesempatan untuk membentuk pembelajaran mereka sesuai dengan minat mereka, dalam konteks kurikulum arsitektur.
Program ini bertujuan untuk melepaskan potensi kreatif, mengeksplorasi proses desain, dan meletakkan dasar pengetahuan budaya dan teknis. Siswa memiliki kesempatan untuk berpartisipasi dalam eksplorasi praktis bahan dan teknik konstruksi yang dapat menghasilkan desain yang penuh petualangan.
Siswa diharapkan mempelajari teknik menggambar yang penting, di samping desain berbantuan komputer (CAD), dan pemodelan dan konstruksi langsung.
Kursus ini dirancang untuk membahas masalah sosial, teoritis, teknis, teknologi, dan kontekstual hidup di kota kontemporer. Proyek desain bertujuan untuk membangun kepercayaan diri dalam merespons dengan imajinasi, kemanusiaan, dan kepedulian terhadap lingkungan.
Sanggar merupakan laboratorium utama untuk proses belajar mengajar pada mata kuliah ini. Di studio, siswa bekerja dengan staf akademik yang mengawasi proyek mereka dan membimbing mereka melalui proses desain.
Kuliah dan seminar memperkenalkan topik-topik seperti humaniora, lingkungan, dan teknologi. Siswa dapat berpartisipasi dalam lokakarya, kunjungan eksternal, dan kerja lapangan.
Tahun pertama
- Desain yang Dapat Dibangun dan Dapat Dihuni (Inti)
- Proyek Desain Kontekstual (Inti)
- Proses Desain dan Komunikasi (Inti)
- Sejarah dan Teori Arsitektur dan Desain (Core)
Tahun kedua
- Proyek Desain Arsitektur (Inti)
- Desain dan Masyarakat (Inti)
- Proyek Desain Terintegrasi (Inti)
- Desain Berkelanjutan (Inti)
Tahun ketiga
- Proyek Penelitian Arsitektur (Inti)
- Proyek Desain Komprehensif - Desain Terperinci (Inti)
- Proyek Desain Komprehensif - Desain Garis Besar (Inti)
- Proyek Desain Komprehensif - Studi Teknis (Inti)
- Konteks Profesional Global (Inti)
Beberapa kursus mungkin menawarkan modul opsional. Ketersediaan modul opsional dapat bervariasi dari tahun ke tahun dan tergantung pada jumlah siswa minimum yang dicapai. Artinya, ketersediaan modul opsional tertentu tidak dapat dijamin. Pemilihan modul opsional juga mungkin dipengaruhi oleh ketersediaan staf.
Bagaimana Anda Dinilai
Untuk kursus ini, penilaiannya 100% berdasarkan kursus setiap tahun.
Cara siswa dinilai dalam kursus ini mungkin berbeda untuk setiap modul. Modul berbasis studio akan memiliki penilaian formatif dan sumatif.
Penugasan dan kursus dapat mencakup tugas tertulis (esai atau disertasi), laporan, dan proyek desain.
Kebijakan University of Lincoln tentang umpan balik penilaian bertujuan untuk memastikan bahwa para akademisi akan segera mengembalikan penilaian dalam kursus kepada siswa.
Program Tingkat 6 ini diselenggarakan di Hong Kong dan diakreditasi oleh Dewan Akreditasi Kualifikasi Akademik dan Kejuruan Hong Kong.
Hasil Program
How You Study
On this course, students can study the underlying concepts of architecture and the ways in which a building can meet the needs of its occupants and the society.
During the course, students work on a series of independent and collaborative studio-based projects. They have the opportunity to shape their learning in line with their interests, within the context of the architecture curriculum.
Program ini bertujuan untuk mengeluarkan potensi kreatif, mengeksplorasi proses desain, dan meletakkan dasar pengetahuan budaya dan teknis. Siswa memiliki kesempatan untuk berpartisipasi dalam eksplorasi praktis bahan dan teknik konstruksi yang dapat mengarah pada desain yang penuh petualangan.
Students are expected to learn important drawing techniques, alongside computer-aided design (CAD), and hands-on modelling and construction.
The course is designed to address the social, theoretical, technical, technological, and contextual issues of living in the contemporary city. Design projects aim to build confidence in responding with imagination, humanity, and concern for the environment.
The studio is the main laboratory for teaching and learning on this course. In the studio, students work with academic staff who supervise their projects and guide them through the design process.
Lectures and seminars introduce topics such as humanities, environment, and technology. Students may participate in workshops, external visits, and fieldwork.
Beasiswa dan Pendanaan
At the University of Lincoln, we believe passionately in the transformative power of higher education. Each year we welcome students from a diverse range of backgrounds from all over the world and we offer a variety of scholarships and bursaries which can provide extra financial assistance with the costs of study to eligible students.
Almost half of our new UK undergraduates currently qualify for our University of Lincoln Scholarship, worth £1,500 over three years of study. Our £1,000 Excellence Scholarships recognise outstanding academic achievement of new undergraduates across our four academic Colleges. We also offer an array of scholarships to support suitably qualified international students when they join us at Lincoln and there is support for postgraduate level study too.
Use the search filters on this page to see which of our scholarships and bursaries might be available to you. Please be aware that eligibility may vary depending on your academic background, household income, intended programme of study or nationality. The University of Lincoln reserves the right to withdraw or modify the scholarships and bursaries listed here at any time.
Several scholarship options are available. Please check the university website for more information.
Biaya Pendidikan Program
Kesempatan berkarir
Program Arsitektur BA (Hons) bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan siswa dengan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk posisi di bidang jasa arsitektur dan konstruksi internasional.
Program delivery
Kampus Lincoln (Program 3 tahun atau 4 tahun dengan Foundation Year) atau kampus SHAPE Hong Kong (top-up 1 tahun level 6)