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University of New York in Prague (UNYP) European Bachelor in Business Administration (Concentration in Finance)
University of New York in Prague (UNYP)

European Bachelor in Business Administration (Concentration in Finance)

Prague, Ceko

3 Years

Bahasa inggris

Waktu penuh

Minta batas waktu aplikasi

Minta tanggal mulai paling awal

EUR 11.000 / per year *

Di kampus

* EU students fees


Count the value with a degree in Business Administration – Finance

This three-year study program leads to the award of a European bachelor’s degree (bakalář, Bc.) awarded by UNYP and accredited by the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE), and the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MŠMT).

This concentration in finance prepares students for their professional careers by offering several specialized courses in the last two semesters (the last year) of their study at UNYP. The courses are taught by skilled and experienced lecturers with proven expertise and credentials in finance and financial services.

European Programs Brochure

Admission Requirements



Beasiswa dan Pendanaan

Kesempatan berkarir

Biaya Pendidikan Program

Tentang Sekolah
