BA (Hons) History
Stirling, Britania Raya
36 up to 48 Months
Bahasa inggris
Waktu penuh, Paruh waktu
Minta batas waktu aplikasi
Minta tanggal mulai paling awal
Minta biaya sekolah
Di kampus
* Untuk informasi biaya terbaru, silakan lihat situs web.
Buka masa lalu dan rencanakan masa depan Anda dengan gelar Sejarah dari University of Stirling. Buat kombinasi mata kuliah yang sesuai dengan ambisi karier Anda.
Alasan utama untuk belajar bersama kami
# 1 dari 15 besar di Inggris untuk dampak penelitian di bidang Sejarah dan ke-3 di Skotlandia untuk hasil dan dampak penelitian (REF 2021)
#2 Pelajari Sejarah bersama dengan berbagai mata kuliah lain untuk menyempurnakan kemungkinan masa depan Anda
#3 Kami menduduki peringkat pertama di Skotlandia untuk kepuasan mahasiswa dalam bidang Sejarah (Survei Mahasiswa Nasional 2022)
If you really want to understand the modern world, it’s essential to unlock the patterns of the past. History courses can help you do exactly that – and here at the University of Stirling, we take an innovative approach to guiding you through the major events and periods that have shaped us all.
Our History degree will equip you with a wide range of intellectual and personal skills. You’ll gain an awareness of how different societies across the world have changed over time, by exploring areas such as Scottish, British, European, American and African history. You’ll also engage with different types of history, including political, social, cultural, gender, race, computer and environmental.
History lecturers and staff at Stirling are leaders in their field. In the most recent Research Excellence Framework assessment, we are ranked in the top 15 universities in the UK for research impact in History and 3rd in Scotland for outputs and impact (Research Excellence Framework 2021). That expertise and passion feeds into every aspect of your course to ensure you reach your final year of study functioning as a fully-fledged historian in your own right. Along the way, you’ll enjoy the freedom to not only focus in on specialty areas of history that interest you most, but also to combine your studies with a range of other subjects that broaden your professional possibilities – from journalism to teaching, politics and sociology.
Hasil Program
Gelar Sejarah kami akan membekali Anda dengan berbagai keterampilan intelektual dan pribadi. Anda akan memperoleh pemahaman tentang bagaimana berbagai masyarakat di seluruh dunia telah berubah seiring waktu, dengan menjelajahi berbagai bidang seperti sejarah Skotlandia, Inggris, Eropa, Amerika, dan Afrika. Anda juga akan mempelajari berbagai jenis sejarah, termasuk sejarah politik, sosial, budaya, gender, komputer, dan lingkungan.